Proiect de facilitate a accesului la informație (I)
May 27, 2018
La solicitarea profesorului de matematica, domnului Todica Ioan, Asociatia Profesor Gheorghe Balaci a directionat o parte din donatia primita din partea firmei SC AREZZO SKY SRL Bucuresti ( spre elevii Scolii Gimnaziale nr.1 Lesu, care se bucura de 10 calculatoare performante!
0.00 lei donated
0 Donors
Campaign has ended
Scoala Gimnaziala nr.1 Lesu este o unitate de invatamant din judetul Bistrita-Nasaud cu un efectiv de aproximativ 140 de elevi.
In anul 2004, in urma implementarii unui program guvernamental, scoala a fost racordata la reteaua de internet si dotata cu cateva calculatoare, care odata cu trecere timpului au ajuns inutilizabile.
La solicitarea profesorului de matematica, domnului Todica Ioan, Asociatia Profesor Gheorghe Balaci a directionat o parte din donatia primita din partea firmei SC AREZZO SKY SRL Bucuresti ( spre elevii Scolii Gimnaziale nr.1 Lesu, care se bucura de 10 calculatoare performante!
Pe langa activitatile desfasurate in cadrul orelor de curs, elevii au acces in MINI LABORATORUL de informaticazilnic, intre orele 12 si 14, putand folosi calculatoarele atat la realizarea temelor de casa cat si la aprofundarea cunostintelor.
Mai mult, MINI LABORATORUL de informatica este dedicat tuturor MEMBRILOR COMUNITATII care nu aveau acces la internet!
Multumim tuturor celor implicati!
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The project is implemented in Leşu Secondary School No.1, Leşu town, Bistrita-Nasaud county, Romania.
Lesu No.1 Secondary School is a school located in Bistrita-Nasaud country, with a staff of about 140 students.
In 2004, following the implementation of a government program, the school has been connected to the Internet network and equipped with several computers, which, in time, became unusable.
At the request of Mr. Todica John, who teacher math in Lesu School, Professor Gheorghe Balaci Association has directed some of the donation recieved from SC AREZZO SKY SRL Bucharest ( to Lesu School which boasts now 10 modern computers!
Besides the activities which will be conducted in this newly equipped classroom, all 140 students will have access in thier MINI COMPUTER LAB on daily basis, between 12 and 14 o’clock. Students will be able to use computers for doing their homework or to reinforce their knowledge.
Moreover, the MINI COMPUTER LAB is dedicated to all community members who until now had no access to the internet!